FE Study Sessions*
(Starting Nov. 8th) Starting November 8, 2022 and continuing on to every other Tuesday, ASCE SDSU will be hosting FE Study Sessions to help those planning to take their FE exam soon or people who just want to study with us, the opportunity to learn from those who have taken/currently have their EITs! *Join in anytime and make sure to add us on Discord to find out where the location will be when the days come. |
CA Infrastructure Symposium
(April 20-21, 2023) Save the Date for the upcoming Region 9 CA Infrastructure Symposium! The SD Section is asking us to attend/volunteer at the upcoming event, happening through April 20-21, 2023 at the Bahia Resort Hotel! People from all over California (Region 9) ASCE are coming out to this event and not many students attend, so it will be a create chance to network and meet those in the field! Come volunteer and learn more about technical advances within water and transportation! |
American Society of Civil Engineers | San Diego State University Chapter
ASCE|SDSU 2022-2023 Social Media Chair, May Sphabmixay
ASCE|SDSU 2022-2023 Social Media Chair, May Sphabmixay