Sports Teams
As a way to help students transition into the professional world, ASCE offers different projects where students can apply what they've learned in class, show their creativity, and also practice team bonding skills. During PSWS, the teams will be able to show off their hard work and compete against other universities. Any member is welcome to join teams! Don't worry about experience. Contact a lead below to sign up!
SoccerIf you would like to join or have any questions please contact:
Zain Batta [email protected] Meetings: (Contact Zain before each practice) Typically, Saturdays 10 AM -12 PM
Location: ENS Field |
VolleyballMeetings: TBD
Location: TBD |
BasketballIf you would like to join this team or have any questions please contact:
Meetings: TBD
Location: TBD |
Ultimate FrisbeeIf you would like to join or would like to lead this team or have any
questions, please contact: Armin Tavousi [email protected] Meetings: TBD
Location: TBD |
Kan JamIf you would like to join or would like to lead this team or have any
questions, please contact: Armin Tavousi [email protected] Meetings: TBD
Location: TBD |
ASCE|SDSU 2022-2023 Webmaster, May Sphabmixay